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It’s true. Blood cancers can strike anyone, of any age, at any time. They are indiscriminate and the cause is unknown. A diagnosis can come out of nowhere and is devastating to all those involved.

Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand (LBC) is there for Kiwis who are affected by leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood conditions.

You probably won’t have heard of them until you need them. But if you are unfortunate enough to have to call upon their support, they’ll be there.

As a thank you for your time, we’ll enter all completed quizzes into a $250 prize draw.


Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand is the national charity dedicated to supporting patients and their families living with blood cancers (leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma) and related blood conditions.

LBC is not a Government organisation and is supported through voluntary donations from supporters, sponsors and fundraisers; plus grants and funding applications.

LBC is committed to improving the quality of life for patients and their families living with these blood cancers and conditions by providing patient support services, investing and supporting research, providing information, raising awareness and advocating on behalf of patients and their families.

Funding goes to their core services:

  • Patient Support
  • Research
  • Information
  • Awareness
  • Advocacy

Take our short quiz to find out more about this Kiwi charity that makes a difference to families in their darkest days. As a thank you for your time, we’ll enter all completed quizzes into a $250 prize draw.


While the world spent 2020 battling COVID-19, Dean Cole had another challenge thrown into the mix – being diagnosed with blood cancer.

Dean says that his body first tipped him off that something was wrong when he woke up with chest pains on a Sunday morning.

“I thought I had just slept quite awkwardly and I didn’t really think too much of it.  But over the period of about five days, it became really, really intense. I was at work, and I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t breathe.”

From there, Dean went to visit his GP who saw him right away. She ran a whole bunch of tests, which included a chest x-ray and some bloodwork. His results showed that he was slightly anaemic, along with a few other ‘abnormalities’. It was then that his GP referred Dean to a haematologist who ordered a bone marrow biopsy.

“He got me back in a couple of days later and said that it was myeloma and that we needed to get me started on some treatment, quickly!”

This news came in January 2020, but his symptoms started in the middle of December 2019.

“We were on edge over Christmas. It was quite scary.”

Despite his concerns over a potential diagnosis, Dean and his wife Jasmin decided not to tell their daughters (Anika who was 6, the twins Aaliyah and Jayde at 7, and 9 year old Maea) until they were sure. Their response, when the couple did tell them, was one that we can all take to heart:

“We still see you as you.”

Dean had a stem cell transplant in July, and throughout his journey has since kept in contact with his Christchurch-based LBC Support Services Coordinator, Matthew Eby, who had made contact with him within days of his diagnosis. The couple’s four daughters also attend the LBC Kids Club, which he says they thoroughly enjoy. Dean summarised these key touch points in one word, “support”.

“A random phone call from Matt every now and then to see how I’m doing is quite heart-warming. It’s these little things, like showing you they care.”

Imagine receiving a devastating diagnosis and feeling like you and your family are totally alone. Thanks to LBC families like Dean’s have access to much-needed support. But support isn’t the only thing that LBC does.

Take our short quiz to find out more.


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