Can YOU save a life?
Saving lives is what our heroes from the Philips Search & Rescue Trust do every day.
Cardiovascular disease is New Zealand’s number 1 killer and heart attacks are a common emergency that the crew face. Knowing what to do makes the difference between life and death.
Would you know what to do to save a life when faced with someone suffering a heart attack?
Take our short quiz and see if you have what it takes to be an everyday hero.
Every completed quiz enters our draw to win the Ultimate Family Safety Bundle valued at $250. You could be an everyday hero with the equipment you need in an emergency!
Many Kiwi lives are saved every year thanks to a team of rapid response rescue helicopters that work across New Zealand’s North Island. Philips Search and Rescue Trust (PSRT) is the charity behind this life-saving service.
Philips Search & Rescue Trust (PSRT) is responsible for fundraising and promotion of the North Island’s largest pool of community rescue helicopters.
Encompassing a fleet of rescue helicopters and fixed-wing planes, the service provides air health and rescue services free of charge to the public on a no-fault basis.
Rapid response is powered by an expert crew of Pilots, Crewmen, Intensive Care Paramedics, Doctors, Flight Nurses, and Specialist Crew.
In a life and death situation, it is this speed and agility that can make all the difference, with patients able to receive medical treatment whilst en route to a medical facility.
The rapid response rescue helicopters bring life-saving equipment and rescue personnel directly to the patient.
Always rescue ready, your rescue helicopter is an essential emergency service in your community.
When needed, your rescue helicopter will be there, 24/7, 365 days a year.
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