First of all: thank you.

Thank you for showing an interest in the incredible work that the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) does for cancer patients across Queensland.

The RBWH is working to save the lives of cancer patients every day whether it's through clinical trials or in the cancer ward. Every donation through the RBWH Foundation makes a difference to the quality and quantity of potentially life-saving cancer research projects that can be undertaken.


Every day in Australia, a staggering 440 people are diagnosed with cancer. That is more than 162,000 men and women each year.

RBWH Cancer Care Service has been named one of the top 100 cancer care centres in the world and one of only three Australian centres on the Newsweek 2022 list.

RBWH boasts the largest cancer centre in Queensland. Its Cancer Care Service is one of only six adult centres in Australia accredited for CAR-T collection and administration, and the only centre in Queensland with this expertise.  No other Australian cancer centre has onsite manufacturing and delivery of CAR-T cell therapy. The RBWH Cancer Care Service also conducts numerous clinical trials every year.

Support of the RBWH Foundation gives clinicians time to find a cure.

Take our quick quiz to find out more about the life-saving work undertaken in the cancer care unit at The RBWH. As a thank you for your time, every completed entry will enter our $250 draw.


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