Thank you for your interest in helping children and young people heal and for caring enough to take our quiz.
By completing our short quiz you’ll not only learn about the ACF’s life-changing work, but you will also qualify for your FREE Activity Alphabet, packed with heaps of age-appropriate fun activities to enjoy with your family. And as an extra thank you for your time, we’ll enter you into our $250 prize draw.
There are hundreds of thousands of Australian children living with violence and abuse at home. The violence they experience often affects their physical and emotional development – they may feel insecure, have difficulties learning and managing their emotions. They may also find it difficult to trust others and find themselves unsure of their place in the world.
Take our short quiz to find out more about family violence in Australia and get your FREE Activity Alphabet plus you’ll be entered into our $250 draw.
Working to restore love to childhood
Love is the warmth and light in which children’s little hearts, minds and bodies grow, develop and experience the world. When love is gone, the light goes out and their world turns dark. Pain, fear and isolation become the shapers of their childhood.
Australian Childhood Foundation works to restore love to childhood through relationships that guide, support and have the power to help children heal. Loving relationships are their light out of the darkness.
Their team works with families, carers and professionals who share their vision of a world where all children are safe from the trauma of abuse, violence, and neglect.
The Vocal Minority gives people a voice to change policy by running polls, petitions, and surveys to help you make a difference to the issues you care about the most.