Congratulations! You’re one step closer to winning a First Aid Kit and receiving your FREE First Aid Pocket Guide.

We’ve teamed up with St John Vic to give you a chance to win your very own First Aid Kit that would be invaluable in any medical emergency. Complete our quiz and you’ll also receive a handy guide that will ensure you know exactly what to do in a medical crisis.


St John Ambulance Victoria is a charity in the Australian community that has been saving lives alongside delivering care and compassion to those in sickness, suffering and distress for well over one hundred years.

With extensive numbers of volunteers, staff, vehicles, equipment, branches and facilities, St John is perfectly placed to provide support to the Victorian community through crises such as bushfires, floods and pandemics.

St John Vic serves over 370,000 Victorians each year:

  • 10,420 people trained in CPR for free
  • 42,703 people treated at events
  • 2009 free community transport trips
  • 174,111 children trained in first aid for free

Now, that’s making a real difference to community health care.


The Vocal Minority gives people a voice to change policy by running polls, petitions, and surveys to help you make a difference to the issues you care about the most.