Sanc·tu·ar·y - a place of refuge or safety.

We all need and deserve somewhere to feel safe, right?

Currently only 1% of the ocean is protected from fishing, plastic pollution and deep sea oil drilling.

There is NO SANCTUARY for 99% of our oceans.

But it’s not too late to turn this around and find solutions that would allow sealife to thrive again. Together, we can find ways to keep relying on oceans while respecting them and the sea life who live in them.

We, The Vocal Minority, have teamed up with Greenpeace Australia to spread the word about 30x30: a campaign that is fighting to create ocean sanctuaries in 30 percent of the world’s oceans by 2030.

Take our short quiz to learn more about the great work of Greenpeace. Every completed quiz will go in the $250 draw.


Are our oceans threatened?

Sadly, yes. Industrial fishing, plastic pollution, climate change and deep sea oil drilling have threatened our oceans.

  • The fishing industry exploits even the most remote and deepest seas, leaving sea-life no safe haven.
  • 8 million tonnes of plastic enters our oceans every year clogging up the sea and entering the food web.
  • Carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is acidifying the water to above its otherwise natural limits.

Because of these threats, marine ecosystems are breaking down. Creating safe havens in the form of an ocean sanctuary would give sea-life the ability to sustain numbers necessary to survive.

What is an ocean sanctuary?

An ocean sanctuary is like a national park, just in the ocean. They’re designed to protect ecosystems from human exploitation by forbidding fishing, mining and waste disposal.

Greenpeace is fighting for the largest wildlife sanctuary on Earth

Greenpeace is currently fighting to create a network of marine reserves that would cover at least 30% of the ocean.

The focus sites are breeding zones, vulnerable habitats such as reefs and areas where rare and threatened species live.


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