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It’s time to test your knowledge: do you know just how clever Assistance Dogs are?
Most of us are aware of the amazing things that Assistance Dogs can do like opening and closing doors, pressing buttons at traffic lights and retrieving a phone. These skills are vital for people with physical disabilities.
But Assistance Dogs Australia also support people with other disabilities such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and autism.
In our quiz, we’ll see how much you know about the ways Assistance Dogs can help people with PTSD. Complete the quiz and, as a thank you for your time, we’ll enter you into our $250 prize draw.
Founded in 1996, Assistance Dogs Australia train dogs who specialise in supporting people living with a physical disability, autism or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Assistance Dogs help improve their human’s independence, self-esteem, health and relationships – resulting in stronger and more successful communities.
Assistance Dogs are placed completely free of charge with clients across Australia.
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