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Humans and dogs really do make amazing partnerships, looking after each other physically and emotionally.

How many of these four famous dog and human duos can you complete?


Simply select your answer from the choices given. There are only four questions. As a thank you for your time, we’ll enter you into our $250 prize draw, no matter what your score is!

Founded in 1996, Assistance Dogs Australia train dogs who specialise in supporting people living with a physical disability, autism or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Assistance Dogs help improve their human’s independence, self-esteem, health and relationships – resulting in stronger and more successful communities.

Assistance Dogs are placed completely free of charge with clients across Australia.


The Vocal Minority gives people a voice to change policy by running polls, petitions, and surveys to help you make a difference to the issues you care about the most.