You need this life-saving knowledge!
Stroke is New Zealand's second single biggest killer and a leading cause of serious adult disability. Over 9,500 strokes are experienced every year – that’s one every 55 minutes.
It is VITAL to recognise when someone is having a stroke and to start treatment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
The sooner medical treatment begins, the more likely brain damage can be reduced and a better outcome achieved.
Acting FAST can make all the difference - but do you know what FAST stands for?
Challenge yourself! See if you know more than most New Zealanders. Every response will receive a FREE life-saving poster and be entered into our $250 draw
The Stroke Foundation is the national charity in New Zealand solely dedicated to the prevention of and recovery from stroke. For over 40 years, they have actively promoted ways to avoid stroke and dedicated themselves to working closely with stroke survivors, their family / whānau and carers.
The Vocal Minority gives people a voice to change policy by running polls, petitions, and surveys to help you make a difference to the issues you care about the most.